Discrimination in the WorkPlace, 2016.
The European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs (ECEPAA) has decided to launch the following survey in order get a broader picture of the current situation with regard to diversity in the workplace. The data collected will also provide an evidence-based support for the advocacy activities that ECEPAA carries out with European policy makers, who specifically deal with these topics. The questionnaire consisted in 11 questions, of which some were structured as multiplechoice questions whereas others were open ones.
With this survey, ECEPAA intends to better analyze and examine three aspects: 1. People’s knowledge about the European legal framework on discrimination; 2. People’s perception of discrimination in their workplace; 3. People’s opinion on strategies to tackle discriminations in the workplace
Situation in the Mediterraneanean and the need for holistic approach to migration, 2015.
We believe that the European Parliament and national parliaments in the EU are the voice and the House of EU citizens: all EU actions in migration policies should have a strong democratic dimension and we want the EP and national parliaments to be fully involved throughout the decision-making process.
We are aware of the difficulties facing Europe today to manage the migration crisis. We believe that a holistic approach is needed, one that embodies the principle of solidarity, thus enabling Member States to share responsibility fairly and to maintain a focus on human rights.
The strategic own initiative report is mainly divided into eight subjects, which include: solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility among Member States; enforcement of search and rescue operations; tackling criminal smuggling, trafficking and labor exploitation of irregular migrants; border management and visa policy; developing safe and lawful routes for asylum seekers and refugees into the EU; cooperation with third countries; analysis on how Home Affairs funds are spent in migration & development; and the effective implementation of the Common European Asylum System.
REACTivating European citizenship HandBook
This Handbook is the final product of REACT Project, realized in close and fruitful cooperation with all project partners. Our partnership has been representing different approaches with a plurality of territorial perspectives that include all areas from the Mediterranean and the Balkans to the northern Europe, with an additional focus on candidate countries like Albania that is living a new and inverted dimension of migration compared to other European realities.
This Handbook is the final product of REACT Project, realized in close and fruitful cooperation with all project partners. Our partnership has been representing different approaches with a plurality of territorial perspectives that include all areas from the Mediterranean and the Balkans to the northern Europe, with an additional focus on candidate countries like Albania that is living a new and inverted dimension of migration compared to other European realities.
Language As a Bridge HandBook
The growing flow of refugees to the EU countries makes the process of their social inclusion a high priority. According to the latest figures published by the European Commission (March 2017), in 2015 and 2016 the EU received 2.5 million asylum applications.
Knowledge of the language of host country is considered as one of the most crucial elements for successful social inclusion and as the main lever to increase the newly arrived refugees’ level of self-reliance and participation.
Without a good knowledge of the host country language, it is almost impossible to integrate into the local culture, get into the labor market and socialize with members of other communities. Therefore, without implementing a proper inclusion policy, it will increase the possibility of having a growing number of marginalized people, excluded from every form of social activities and labor market. Thus, eliminating all forms of intercultural dialogue leads to increase in incidents of racial discrimination and intolerance. Besides, this project has been built upon some of the recommendations following the report of the European Parliament on “refugees: social inclusion and integration into the labor market” (2015/2321[INI]) with particular focus on “[…] solutions providing multilingual information on opportunities involving formal and non-formal education, vocational training, work placement and volunteering for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; calls, therefore, for such services to be extended.”
Streangthen Cooperation Among Young People.
Streangthen Cooperation Among Young People. The increasing influx of asylum seekers to European countries has made it more important than ever to take action in increasing the possibility of their integration within the society. This is also one of the priorities of the European Commission, particularly with regards to the inclusion of young newly-arrived immigrants.
The main objective of this project was to facilitate the integration of migrants and refugees through the participation in Erasmus+ programmes and to establish new strategies to enhance the communication between young people from different cultures and ethnic groups. Although multicultural cohabitation is one of ECEPAAs’ priorities, we certainly cannot solve the problem of cultural differences alone, but together with our partners we can have an effect on some factors in order to limit these issues.