This project means developing a network of cities from different EU countries in order to construct shared approaches on integration of migrants and combat every form of stigmatization supporting the new “European Agenda on migration” (2015).

The project activities aim at encouraging intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through the civic participation of nationals from EU countries and of third-country nationals legally residing in the EU. 

The selected theme is particularly relevant for the young people that will be involved, both native and foreign-born (non-EU), mainly high school students, but also academics, workers, members of associations, and local groups. 

The groups at the local level will analyze the legal principles and values that regulate the citizenship of their own country and will gather good practices of integration and intercultural dialogue carried out by the local administrations in order to promote a more accurate perception of third-world-country nationals by EU citizens.

During the European events young people will present and discuss the different nationals’ experiences, will deepen the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the principles of EU citizenship; they also will develop proposals and suggestions for improvement to be presented to policy-makers from their towns and from the EU.

The idea of the project comes from the previous experiences from MINT project (Mobility and Integration in Europe 2020) and from the observation that stereotypes about immigrants can be overcome by deconstructing past and present processes of stigmatization and by building counter-narratives. Young participants will present proposals to prevent and tackle issues of integration and equal opportunities for all and will stimulate the network of municipalities to develop further initiatives to combat all forms of discrimination and racism, while also promoting a culture of rights, hospitality, and intercultural dialogue.