Finanza inclusiva
The general objective of F.I.N. is
- improving the financial, work and social inclusion of migrants in Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo.
- developing collaboration between public actors and private one.
Main specific objectives:
- Improving migrants’ access to services and organizations existing financial products (understood as access to credit services, savings, insurance, payment, transfer funds and remittances) for increase the chances of socio-economic integration of newly arrived (also holders of humanitarian permits and asylum seekers) and of those who are in situations of economic fragility. For this reason, the creation of income-generating activities such as startups and small businesses is encouraged.
- Create an operational model / protocol among the various stakeholders, to allow inclusion financial support of third-country nationals by to system existing services and financial products. Therefore we want to strengthen the skills of public operators that provide services to citizens of third countries and create a modeling of procedures and start of experiments. With the support to the transfer of practices innovative means to improve governance multilevel implementation of interventions between institutions and the third sector, and strengthen the system of territorial networks and experiment with integrated services.
Direct recipients: newly arrived migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers and resident immigrants with economic fragility, with attention to women.
Indirect recipients: PA and third party operators sector.