European Solidarity in Action: the response to the Ukraine crisis in Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Belgium

Russian aggression in Ukraine has unleashed an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, putting European solidarity to the test. Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Belgium responded with significant commitment, demonstrating the flexibility and diversity of responses within the European Union.

In Italy and Greece, the integration of displaced Ukrainians has become a priority, with government bodies and non-governmental organizations implementing targeted initiatives. In Italy, projects such as “School and Emergency Ukraine” by the Mosaico Servizi cooperative and “Druzi” by Save The Children Italia focus on the treatment of childhood trauma and integration through personalized educational support. In Sicily, the Istituto Comprensivo G. Pascoli promotes the inclusion of Ukrainian children with the project “The Treatment of War Wounds”. In Greece, METAdrasi plays a key role in reception and integration, offering multilingual support and interpretation programs in schools. Melissa Network partners with The Hellenic Initiative to provide support to Ukrainian families, highlighting a holistic approach to integration.

Attention to language, psychological support and personalized education emerges as a key element to ensure an effective integration process that respects the experiences of displaced Ukrainians. Both countries demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the specific needs of children and adolescents, addressing trauma and promoting active participation in the host society.

By Max Kukurudziak

The Czech Republic and Belgium, however, responded to Russian aggression with distinct approaches, highlighting the diversity of European responses. The Czech Republic has stood out for its sustained and multi-faceted commitment, coordinating national efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, shelter and financial support. The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ensured effective use of resources, addressing both immediate needs and contributing to the long-term future of the region.

On the other hand, Belgium overcame the initial challenges promptly, improving its organization in the reception of Ukrainian refugees. The opening of a registration center in Brussels highlighted the country’s ability to adapt. The active participation of Belgian citizens supported the government’s efforts, reflecting internal solidarity crucial to addressing humanitarian crises. The Belgian response has demonstrated resilient and improvement-oriented governance in humanitarian emergencies, seeking to ensure long-term prospects for refugees and effectively integrate them into society.

By Anastasiia Krutota

In summary, the approach to the Ukrainian crisis by Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Belgium demonstrated the potential of European solidarity in emergency situations. The diversity of approaches among EU members underlines the richness of the Union and its ability to adapt to changing situations, as we are trying to show also in the FEEL project ( The collaboration between the Czech Republic and Belgium not only addressed the immediate challenges of the Ukrainian crisis, but also helped build a future of peace and stability in the region, demonstrating that European solidarity is a key force in critical moments.

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