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Promoting Refugee Inclusion in the Education System: The FEEL Project

The FEEL project (Fostering refugEEs incLusion)  represents an ambitious initiative aimed at promoting organizational inclusion and diversity, with a particular focus on policies in the education and training sector. This commitment materializes through a holistic approach that encompasses various targeted activities. Firstly, a comprehensive review of the approach of the involved schools is planned, with…

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Empowering Inclusion: FEEL Project meeting in Turin

From October 2 to 5, 2023, Turin, Italy hosted the first transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project, “Fostering RefugEEs inclusion – FEEL”. The project ( is geared towards equipping educators, school leaders, and youth/migrant organization professionals, with enhanced tools to seamlessly integrate individuals, particularly Ukrainians, into both the educational system and the broader local community.…

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refugee, ukraine, Turin. Italy

FEEL project: kick off meeting

First Online Meeting and Communication with partners for the Erasmus+ project “Fostering RefugEEs inclusion (FEEL)” with number: 2022-2-BE01-KA220-SCH-000100260.  On 19/04/2023, the project consortium held its kick off meeting via Microsoft Teams – video chat with all partners of the European FEEL project. Essentially, there was a first introduction, a brief presentation and description of each…

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United In Diversity: An Intersectional Fight Against Discrimination

A comprehensive recap of racism and discrimination in Europe Giovanni Dal Prà As explained in the previous articles of this series, racism and discrimination persist as challenging issues within the European Union. Despite the EU’s commitment to upholding human rights, equality, and social cohesion, instances of racism and discrimination continue to undermine these principles. Discrimination…

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