Kickoff Meeting IMPACT project 

 First Online Meeting and Communication 

First Online Meeting and Communication with partners for the Erasmus+ project “Increasing Migration and climate change Public Awareness through Collaboration and Teaching” with number: 2023-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000166907 

On Tuesday 05/12/2023, the first online meeting was made with Microsoft Teams – video chat with all partners of the European IMPACT project. Essentially, there was a first introduction, a brief presentation and description of each organization or school unit as well as the role that each partner will assume in the course of the project. The project coordinator Gabriele Sospiro of Ecepaa analyzed the project objectives, activities and the deliverables to be implemented, the memorandum of cooperation – agreement (IPA) and a first division of responsibilities between the partners was carried out. Also, the communication channels, the financial management of the project were determined and the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the partners in Addis Ababa – Ethiopia was planned for March 2024. Finally, all the dates for live meetings as well as the training meeting for the program were set and the  required number of participants from each consortium organization was determined. 

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