The first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM), took place in Osimo, Italy, in the framework of the Erasmus+ IMPACT project (Climate Change and Migration Project). On the first day of the meeting, the Director of the host school “Istituto di Istruzione Superiore M.Laeng”, Mr. Angelo Frisoli, welcomed the participants who are involved in the project, with an excellent hospitality. The Director, spoke about the characteristics and goals of the school, the specialties that operates in it and the laboratories with which it is equipped. He also mentioned that in the afternoons, immigrant students have the opportunity to attend courses tailored to their needs, Italian language courses as well as courses in specific specialties.

Then Mrs. Silvia Toresi, an English language teacher of the school, spoke about the work of the NGO “CARITAS” and the collaboration that is shared with the school. She referred to the role of the specific organization and the absolute connection with the Catholic Church. She also referred to its purpose, which is the creation, implementation and realization of actions and programs of humanitarian and charitable content, as well as the development of the spirit of solidarity within the society. In addition, through a video presentation, it was presented the school’s effort for a cooperation with the social cooperative “CARITAS”

Afterwards, Mrs. Donatella Linguiti, representative of the AMAD NGO, presented the Associazione Multietnica Antirazzista Donne that operates in Ancona and spoke about how it acts, the needs it tries to cover and the way it tries to support immigrants to succeed a smoothest integration in Italy as possible.
The visit to the school ended with a speech by an immigrant from Bangladesh, who attends classes at the school during the afternoon hours. He referred to his personal experience and the route he followed until he arrived to Italy from Bangladesh (Lebanon – Greece – Romania and finally Italy). He referred to the problems he faced in the intervening years until he arrived in the country, but also the satisfaction and the joy he now experiences, being a student at the school and speaking the Italian language he was taught there. Apparent was his emotion and the positive feelings he expressed regarding the treatment and support that he received from the school.

A video was shown afterwards, about the use of the mechanical workshop equipment by immigrant students to the school, as well as the sewing-fashion workshop that operates in the school.
Consequently, there was a tour to the school spaces. Initially to a computer lab where engineering students were taught how to design electronic – 3D design using Autodesk’s inventor program. The teacher of the course showed various models that they have printed with the school’s 3D printers, a model, as well as a bust of Bocelli, which they managed to print using a laser scanner and a 3D printer, using special powder and glue to construct it. He also presented constructions made with materials pressed into molds, made in the engineering lab.
A tour of the mechanical laboratory followed where there was presented the equipment used by the students of the mechanical field, such as lathes, milling machines etc. The laboratory is equipped with various modern machines such as CNC, a special milling machine for making molds and a CNC lathe for making parts, laser for engraving on in materials such as plastic and wood. A demonstration of the use of the machines was carried out by the laboratory teacher and there was a reference to the work carried out from students related to automation, such as with an automatic color sorting machine.

After the lunch break, a visit to the premises of the “CARITAS” organization followed. The representative of the organization presented the actions implemented at the center and the capability of hosting immigrant families. Finally, a visit was made to the facilities of the organization AMAD (Associazione Multietnica Antirazzista Donne) which supports immigrant women, as well as women who suffer abuse. In addition to psychological support, beneficiaries of the center can receive help about feeding and support in work matters.
On the second workday, a visit was made to the annex of the school unit, “I.T.I.S. Liceo Science Applied” in Castelfidardo. A visit was made to the electronics laboratory, where students, together with their teachers, implement with several machines simulations of various processes. Next to this area, students of the school undertake the operation of an internet radio station. A visit to the biology laboratory followed, where, among other experiments, a hydroponic technique is operated in order to grow plants, taking advantage of equipment set up in the laboratory and outside the school. In a specially designed chamber, equipped with sockets for the cultivation of plants, there is an automatic watering system connected to computerized control systems of various parameters, while outside the greenhouse there is a meteorological station installed.

Afterwards, the working group gathered in the meeting room of the school unit, where they discussed the educational visits that took place, as well as the impact they can have on the project. A long discussion (morning and afternoon) followed which concerned the deliverables of the program (publication and toolkit) that should be developed, the analysis of questionnaires that implemented in the school units regarding the awareness of students in relation to climate change and the influence it can have on migration. An attempt was made to provide solutions to problems that have arisen in the development of the project, resulting in the reprogramming of specific activities and live meetings. There was also a presentation and briefing (by the Greek team) regarding the dissemination of the results of the project on the internet and social media, as well as the strategy it has to be followed by the consortium, in order to achieve the goals of the project. Finally, the partners renewed their appointment with a planned online meeting for November 2024.