What is this all about? In Africa, mainly in Ethiopia, there are several forms of migration that affect the quality of life of the population. One, if not the most disastrous, is directly related to climate. How is climate a factor that explains migration in large part? Why is migration in Ethiopia constantly increasing? Why migration plunges Ethiopia into critical situations for its future? These are broad issues for which different institutional meetings are necessary in order to find answers that make sense. If Europe wants to be able to represent accurately the reality on the ground, it must compare points of view and have direct exchanges with relevant actors who have studied the situation in Ethiopia.

What’s the objective? The objective is to study the situation to build an educational tool to raise awareness of migration related to the climate.

Target audience? Secondary school students in Europe.

How? Through a collaboration between members of schools and associations from 5 different countries (Ethiopia, Greece, Spain, Italy, and Belgium). Specifically, 4 international meetings will be held between project members (in Ethiopia, Italy, Belgium, and Spain). These will be supported by preparatory meetings (webinars), visits to institutions, and specific collaborative work to realize the teaching pack

Please go the project website to have more information the visit: Study visit in Ethiopia