October 15, 2024


You can Youth Migrant Dropout Tackling: Capacity Building Learn more About the project YOUCAN (YOUth with migrant dropout tackling: CApacity buildiNg) was a KA2 European Project aimed at contributing to the modernization and strengthening of the response of education, training systems, and youth policies, considering the main challenges posed by the dropout of migrant youth…

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Way “Whole-school Approach for Youth with migrant background” Learn more CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT The current European societies are experiencing an unprecedented crisis when it comes to social inclusion in general and the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups in particular. Asmany newspapers show, the same ongoing COVID-19 pandemic does not produce the same effects on…

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S.h.i.p. Project CONTEX  The current numbers of Early School Leaving (ESL) are striking as far the EU’s 27 countries and non-EU countries are concerned. According to the Final Report “Reducing early school leaving: key messages and policy supports” (Nov. 2013), there was rate of 22.8% for the former and a 26.7% one for the latter,…

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Scayp Streangthen Cooperation Among Young People Free consultant Context:  Streangthen Cooperation Among Young People. The increasing influx of asylum seekers to European countries has made it more important than ever to take action in increasing the possibility of their integration within the society. This is also one of the priorities of the European Commission, particularly…

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R.e.a.c.t. Reactivating European Citizenship Free consultant This project means developing a network of cities from different EU countries in order to construct shared approaches on integration of migrants and combat every form of stigmatization supporting the new “European Agenda on migration” (2015). The project activities aim at encouraging intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through the civic participation of nationals from EU countries and…

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Mooc4 Massive Open Online Course Free consultant L’Union européenne est un territoire de grande diversité dont les populations sont d’origines ethniques et religieuses très variées. Dans le contexte européen actuel, suite aux attentats de Paris, Copenhague et ruxelles, les tensions entre les communautés rendent plus que jamais nécessaire le dialogue interculturel et la mise en…

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Meet Project Free consultant Several actual and former interns of the participant organizations manifested different problems related to the effectiveness and the real impact of their traineeship/internship. At the same time policy-makers, responsible to shape youth policies, need more informations about the extent and the dimension of these problems. MEET seeks to create a link…

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M.a.y.w.p. Migrants: A Youth Worker Perspective Free consultant CONTEXT:  “Migrants: A Youth Worker Perspective (MAYWP)” is an Erasmus + KA1 youth worker mobility project. The idea of this project was shaped taking into account ECEPAA’s working experience in the field of youth and migration, as well as the direct contact with youth workers activities involving young migrants of its local community. Considering a broader context outside Belgium, the project takes also into account the migration crisis that Europe is facing. MAYWP intent is to stress youth workers’ essential role in this context, through their organizations’ activities which support and assist young migrants at the local level.  OBJECTIVE:  MAYWP aims at connecting youth workers with young migrants. The training, main activity of the project, will focus on a better understanding of young migrants’ needs. It has the purpose of enhancing youth workers’ skills by attracting young migrants to more tailored activities organized by the participanting organizations. The general objective of MAYWP is, therefore, to contribute to a more active participation of young migrants in social life.  PARTICIPANTS:  MAYWP target group are youth workers that have or are willing to have a direct working experience with young migrants. Youth…

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Lab Language As a Bridge Free consultant PROJECT CONTEXT The growing flow of refugees to the EU countries makes the process of their social inclusion a high priority. According to the latest figures published by the European Commission (March 2017), in 2015 and 2016 the EU received 2.5 million asylum applications. Knowledge of the language of host country is considered as one of the most crucial elements for successful social inclusion and as the main lever to increase the newly arrived refugees’ level of…

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I.y.w.e. Intercultural Youth Work Encounters Free consultant CONTEXT One of the major issues most EU countries are currently dealing with is that of social integration of newly arrived migrants, who often experience practical and cultural difficulties in their European host countries. Such problem is at the core of the general debate on both EU principles…

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