July 27, 2022

EU Support to Ukrainian Students, Young People, Teachers and Educators

EU Support to Ukrainian Students, Young People, Teachers and Educators Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, has announced EU measures to support Ukrainian students, young people, teachers and educators in these extremely challenging times. How is the European Union supporting Ukrainian pupils, teachers and people fleeing from Ukraine? Let’s have a look at the initiatives. The Cohesion’s…

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New Call | Transnational Cooperation Between Universities in Europe

 Transnational Cooperation Between Universities in Europe Interested organisations can now apply for a new Erasmus Plus call to pilot a joint European degree label and test institutionalised EU cooperation instruments, such as a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions, in the perspective of facilitating deeper transnational cooperation between universities in Europe. Topic 1: Pilot a joint European…

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